Monday, November 30, 2020
- various countries,
- various classes of persons, earning money,
- various gardens and forests, various trees;
- in some places he saw fields with green grains and grains standing on them; at others he saw ascetics practising asceticism, and initiated Yâjniks (performing yajñas, or sacrifices);
- in some places he saw yogis practising yoga, the high-souled Vânaprasthîs (in the third stage of life) residing in the forest, and at others he saw devotees of
- S'iva,
- S’akti,
- Ganes'a,
- Sûryâ and
- Visnu and many others.
- Meru in two years and the
- Mount Himâlayâs in one year and then reached the city Mithilâ.
Vyas to Sukhdev
In days of yore, at the end of a Kalpa, Bhagavân Hari was lying, as a small child on a floating leaf of a banyan tree, and was thinking thus :--
- “Who is the Intelligent One that has created me a small child?
- What is His object?
- Of what stuff am I made of? and
- how am I created?
- whence can I know all this?”
“All this that is seen is I Myself; there is existent nothing other that is eternal.”
Bhagavân Visnu, then, began to think deeply the above celestial voice :--
- “Who has uttered this word, pregnant of truth, to me?
- How shall I come to know the speaker,
- whether that is female, male or a hermaphrodite?”
The lotus eyed Visnu was very much surprised to see that beautiful Devî, standing without anything to rest on that water; He saw that on four sides of the Devî, were staying
- Rati,
- Bhûti,
- Buddhi,
- Mati,
- Kîrti,
- Smriti,
- Dhriti,
- S'raddhâ,
- Medhâ,
- Svadhâ,
- Svâhâ,
- Kshudhâ,
- Nidrâ,
- Dayâ,
- Gati,
- Tusti,
- Pusti,
- Ksamâ,
- Lajjâ,
- Jrimbhâ Tandrâ and other personified forces, each possessing a clear distinct form, and endowed with a clear distinct feeling.
- hands of them all were divine weapons;
- on their necks, necklaces and garlands of Mandâra flowers; and
- all the limbs of their bodies were decorated with divine ornaments.
- “What is this?
- Is this Mâyâ that I am witnessing?
- Whence have appeared these women? and
- whence have I come here, lying on this banyan leaf?
- How has the banyan tree come to existence in this one mass of ocean?
- And who is it, that has placed me here in the form of a child?
- Is this my Mother? Or is this some Mâyâ that can create impossible things?
- Why has She made Herself manifest before me now? Or is there some hidden motive that She has appeared thus?
- What ought I to do now? Or shall I go to some other place? or shall I continue remaining here in this form of the child, silent and with vigilance.
Seeing this distressed and sorrowful state of his father, S'ûkdeva, with eyes full of wonder, said :-- Oh! What a power has Mâyâ got?
Oh! He, whose words are accepted by all, with great love and care as equivalent to the Vedas, who is the author of the Vedânta Dars'ana, and before whom nothing is veiled in ignorance, Oh! that greatest Pundit, the knower of all the Tattvas, is now deluded by Mâyâ? Oh! what is that Mâyâ who has been able to delude Vyâsa Deva, the son of Satyavati, so skilled in the knowledge of Brahmâ Vidyâ; I also do not know how, with what great care, one is to practise Sâdhanâ towards Her.
Alas! He who has composed eighteen Mahâ Purânas and the great Mahâ Bhârata, who has divided the Vedas in four parts, the same Veda Vyâs has today been deluded by the power of Mâyâ!
What to speak of other persons! Oh! Mâyâ has deluded Brahmâ, Visnu, Mahes'vara and others and the whole universe; then who is there in the three worlds that is not fascinated by Her influence! I therefore, take refuge unto the Internal Governess, the Devî Mahâ Mâyâ. Oh! what wonderful power She wields? By her own Mâyic power, She has kept God even under Her control, who is omniscient and the Controller of all. The Pundits, who know the Purânas say, that Vyâsa Deva is born of the part of Visnu; but, see the wonder, that he is today plunged in the sea of delusion like a merchant whose ship has been wrecked. Alas! How great is the wonderful power of Mâyâ! The all-knowing Vyâsa is today under the control of Mâyâ and is weeping like an ordinary man! So I have come to the firm conclusion that the wise Pundits are incapable to surpass the strength of Mâyâ. What a great error arises through the power of Mâyâ! See! indeed!! who is he and who am I? What for we have come here? There is no certainty, nothing whatsoever, about that. And, see, also, how he has got the nice idea of “father” on his body and the idea of “his son” in my body, that are composed of five elements.
This is now quite evident to me that, when the Brâhmin Maharsi Krisna Dvaipâyan is weeping under the influence of Mâyâ, She is the strongest of all; even those who are skilled in the great Mâyâ fall under Her prey.
Then S’ûka Deva bowed down mentally to the Devî, Mahâ Mâyâ
Sukdev to Vyas
Even one who is the lord of the three worlds, who is their Indra,
he also is not so happy as a beggar, that has no desires.
See, then, who else can be happy in this world? Whenever an ascetic is seen to practise severe asceticism, Indra, the lord of the Devas becomes anxious and sorry, and raises various obstacles in his way. See also that Brahmâ is not happy with his big samsâra (his creation which is his house). Bhagavân Visnu, though He has got His beautiful Kamalâ, the presiding Deity of all wealth and prosperity, is always suffering, since He is incessantly engaged in fighting with the Asuras; and though He is the husband of Laksmî and full of prosperity, He practises, almost, every now and then, terrible asceticism with great care and earnestness. So who else is there, who is possessed of constant happiness? I know also Bhagavân S'ankara, too, suffers incessant troubles and has to fight against the Daityâs.
Sukdev to Vyas
What more wonder can you find in this world than the fact that persons, attached to
- wives,
- sons and
- houses; are denominated as Pundits?
That man who is not bound by this Samsâra, composed of the three Gunas of Mâyâ, is Pundit
Sukdev to Vyas
bliss of self that has got no other bliss equal to it
Sunday, November 1, 2020
- 12400 Prophets (1)
- 246 (1)
- Above The Four Defects Of Ordinary Humans (1)
- Alone (1)
- Aloof of Material Desires / Shiva's Blessing (1)
- Amanda Sookhai (1)
- Amazing Parrot (1)
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- Conducting Marriage Between Venkateswara and Padmavati (1)
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- Suta Goswami / Diety / Liberation of his Father and Blessing by Balaram (1)
- talk (1)
- Talking parrot cracks murder case (1)
- Teaching Nadi jyotish (Astrology) to Markandeya Rishi (1)
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