
Monday, November 30, 2020


On his journey he saw 
  1. various countries, 
  2. various classes of persons, earning money, 
  3. various gardens and forests, various trees; 
  1. in some places he saw fields with green grains and grains standing on them; at others he saw ascetics practising asceticism, and initiated Yâjniks (performing yajñas, or sacrifices); 
  2. in some places he saw yogis practising yoga, the high-souled Vânaprasthîs (in the third stage of life) residing in the forest, and at others he saw devotees of 
    1. S'iva, 
    2. S’akti, 
    3. Ganes'a, 
    4. Sûryâ and 
    5. Visnu and many others. 

Thus he went on in his journey, in great wonder, towards his destination.Thus he went on in his journey, in great wonder, towards his destination. In his passage he crossed 
  1. Meru in two years and the 
  2. Mount Himâlayâs in one year and then reached the city Mithilâ.


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